Treatment Timeline
Our Fertility Timeline
I am adding this because I am a schedule, timelines, planning person! I love to have a plan in place and that is one of the hardest parts of this process. Knowing what to expect brings me peace so hopefully this helps!
We were unable to catch my ovulation for this treatment so I did all the shots and prep but no procedure.
No eggs on egg retrieval day
This is so frustrating but I have to trust this was not the right donor for us. We are happier with our new choice!
If you are interested I listed what we received here.
This is so frustrating when you are given pieces of information a day at the time. I hate not being able to plan! I have no idea if we will start shots in two weeks or a month. 🙁
10 units in the evening
2MG, 3 times a day
We finally have a date! Our nurse called in the afternoon with a list of instructions for the coming days. Uterine Lining is only 6 mm so we were scared we couldn't start yet. Our nurse said the labs are more important than the ultrasound measurements.
I listed time here because I started watching my phone at 7am! We have 8 fertilized embryos! Our Donor had 32 eggs. Our transfer will be day 5.
First hCG Level = 134
hCG Level = 971
1am to be more exact. I was 35 weeks and 2 days.
A rough delivery (one month to do the day early) but my dreams come true!
I just want to add a note here. This timeline looks like I am pointing out a lot of trials and upsets. Yes, each treatment carries its own heartbreak and learning experience but its just a part of the process. The whole point of starting this blog is to maybe one day find common ground with someone who needs a friend.