My Story(ish)
Blogs and stories from real people have been so healing to me through different times in my life. I got married in 2020 (a crazy story for a different day) and my husband and I both work from home.
You can always contact me directly if you need someone to talk to, pray with, cry with, laugh with, etc! If this sounds like I am begging for friends, please overlook the desperation I just hope that my experiences can be useful for someone else one day!
In a quick summary, I was in a car accident when I was 16. My eye was injured, and I went blind (in the one eye). I held onto it for 11 years (a very painful 11 years) but finally decided to have it removed. I was in a job I HATED but it paid the bills, I was a workaholic, had no self esteem, and all around lost. It was a very low point of my life and my mother said “better a pearl with a flaw than a pebble with none.” This stayed with me through the years so that is the story behind this name. With the grace of God I got past this crazy time, found a job I love, a church where I feel loved, and I met my sweet husband 10 years later!
He says very quickly he knew we would do the three things, get married, buy a house, have a baby. The buy a house and get married checked off fairly easy. Well getting married in 2020 was no simple task but we made it through. Cocky enough, we never ever considered getting pregnant an issue. Every woman in my family has had children and never any problems. They all of course did this in their 20s and I was trying at 38. If you don’t know this is called GERIATRIC for women. Geriatric, at 38. I’m two years past that now but that will sting every time!
Both of these experiences in my life have been lonely and scary even with a husband and family who I love dearly. So this is where I am starting and we will see where it goes….